Return of the Copperhead
A David Black production of a Pentagram movie serial
Produced by David Leary and Dan Amorello.  Written by David Black.  Directed by Blackie Seymour.

What's new?

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Added a "Download" section.  There's now a downloadable PDF of the shooting script.  I won't be continuing with the HTML version, but I haven't yet figured out whether to just drop that section or find another use for it.

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Aside from the obvious website revisions, which I haven't completed yet but I've decided to upload what's ready now and finish later, the biggest change is that there will be some ROTC video in the near future.

So far we've located about 80% of the camera original footage.  There are some crucial parts missing, such as all of INT. PARKER'S APARTMENT and most of INT. THE RAVEN'S HEADQUARTERS, but we surely have enough to begin assembling some sequences right now.  I expect that it will be about four weeks or so before we have anything ready for exhibition.

I'm still hopeful that we can find the final release version of the trailer that was shown at the Memphis Film Festival. 

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This page, entire website and all content are copyright © 2012 by David Black Productions, David Leary and Daniel Amorello