Return of the Copperhead
A David Black production of a Pentagram movie serial
Produced by David Leary and Dan Amorello.  Written by David Black.  Directed by Blackie Seymour.

1981 Shooting Script
copyright © 1970, 1981, 2012


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                                                   #1001  EP. 11-17.


      the truck.  They get to their feet and The Copperhead sends
      Burt sprawling to the floor near the truck cab with one punch.
      Corey, meanwhile, has gotten up and throws a crate, which The
      Copperhead ducks and it lands on the floor PAST CAMERA just as
      Greg swings a club or crowbar at Jeff, who also ducks, and it
      strikes the box.  Jeff lands a punch on Greg, who comes back
      and quickly knocks him out.  The Copperhead, meanwhile, is
      struggling with Corey over a crate on the far side of the
      truck, and Corey forces him down on it as Greg runs in to help.

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      Corey has The Copperhead on top of the overturned crate as Greg
      rushes in to help, and The Copperhead lands a quick jab sending
      Greg back to the floor.  The Copperhead then manages to roll
      both himself and Corey off the crate to the floor and, getting
      to their feet, they struggle a little farther from the truck
      toward crates piled against the wall in far B.G. from original
      shot.  Greg and Jeff both get to their feet around the same
      time and rush toward Corey and The Copperhead.  The Copperhead
      pushes Corey back in time to land a punch on Greg.  Then, he
      turns to block Corey's punch and lands two on him sending him
      back near a chair or stool.  Greg turns him around to slug him,
      but The Copperhead again blocks it, and slugs Greg, just as
      Corey smashes the chair or stool on his head, flooring him.
      As soon as Corey has brought the prop down on The Copperhead,
      Jeff, who has just reached the scene, slugs him.  Greg then
      immediately tackles him and they hit the floor to left, where
      they struggle for a moment.  Jeff finally manages to get his
      feet into Greg's stomach and kicks him toward the crates
      nearest the door.  As Jeff gets to his feet Corey runs in to
      him, turning him around and landing three punches staggering
      him back against a crate, but he blocks the next one and lands
      two well placed ones, dropping Corey next to where Greg was as
      the latter gets to his feet and struggles with Jeff a moment,
      finally landing a single punch knocking him down near The
      Copperhead's fallen gun.  Greg sees Jeff pick up the gun and
      runs for the cover of the crates nearest the door as Jeff
      fires.  Corey revives and takes cover with Greg.  By this time
      Jeff has fired three shots, and a fourth one hits the crate
      just as Corey reaches it.  Jeff takes cover also.

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